STORIES — A short story about a short story

STORIES — A short story about a short story
#StoriesFromYourClassrooms is our way of getting the funniest, best and most memorable moments from your experiences to share with the world. If you have one to submit to us, please contact us at to be featured.

Sarah, English, UK: I had a student who had dyslexia and found reading and writing to be very challenging. We spent hours going over her assignments and I helped her come up with strategies to improve her comprehension and writing skills. One day, I went to our session and she showed me a short story she had written completely on her own. It was a beautiful, creative piece and I was so impressed by her progress. She shared it with her school and they told her they had loved her progress. Seeing her gain confidence in her abilities was the most heartwarming feeling and reminded me why I tutor.