STORIES — B for Brilliant

STORIES — B for Brilliant
#StoriesFromYourClassrooms is our way of getting the funniest, best and most memorable moments from your experiences to share with the world. If you have one to submit to us, please contact us at to be featured.

Caitlin, Science, USA: For high school science, I was brought in to help with a student who was struggling to keep up with the material. He had a lot going on at home and there were concerns from his teachers that he often came to class tired and distracted. We met after school a few times a week and went over the material together. By the end of the semester, he had raised his grade from a D to a B. After finding out his results, his parents invited me for a celebratory meal, and he gave me a big hug, thanking me for all my help. It was an incredibly touching moment and made all the hard work worth it.