STORIES — Empowerment through art

STORIES — Empowerment through art
#StoriesFromYourClassrooms is our way of getting the funniest, best and most memorable moments from your experiences to share with the world. If you have one to submit to us, please contact us at to be featured.

Matthew, Art, USA: I was once tasked with a young student who was very shy. I began by encouraging her to express herself through her artwork, assuring her that every stroke of the brush mattered. As our lessons progressed, I introduced different art techniques and styles, from watercolors to charcoal sketches. She absorbed every bit of knowledge with enthusiasm, and her artwork began to reflect her newfound passion. She painted vibrant landscapes, whimsical creatures, and even ventured into abstract art. It was as if her perspective on life changed too. Through her art, she learned to embrace her uniqueness and express her emotions freely. Her quiet demeanor had transformed into a vibrant personality, spreading positivity wherever she went. I take great pride in helping her come out of her shell.