STORIES — Have to shoot to score

STORIES — Have to shoot to score
#StoriesFromYourClassrooms is our way of getting the funniest, best and most memorable moments from your experiences to share with the world. If you have one to submit to us, please contact us at to be featured.

Patrick, Basketball, USA: I was tasked with coaching a high school basketball team for a year. During practice sessions, I focused on building a sense of camaraderie among the players. I encouraged them to work together, emphasizing the importance of communication, trust, and respect. I reminded them that success was a collective effort and that each individual's contribution mattered. We had one player who was particularly reserved and doubted his abilities on the court. He started only getting a few minutes a game, barely scoring or contributing to the team as a whole, but I dedicated extra time to mentor him, patiently guiding him through skill development and providing constant encouragement. I acknowledged his strengths and helped him realize that even the greatest players faced challenges along their journey. By the end of the season, he'd improved massively, and he finished the team's highest points scorer in a few victories near the end of the season. I still remember him thanking me for believing in him.