3 Tips on Organising Your Resources and Assignments

One of the many responsibilities that are with tutors when liaising and educating their students is ensuring the resources are up-to-date and that assignments are structured for the students’ benefit. In this article, we’ll briefly discuss 3 reasons on how you can provide effective resources and assignments to your students. If you’re having troubles in your subject area, and need a nudge toward best practice, keep reading!
1. Provide Clear Instructions
Nobody like ambiguity, and we’d argue that it’s even more hated when it comes to instructions for assignments, whether in-class or an exam setting. By articulating the objectives and expectations of each assignment, you reduce confusion and encourage independent learning from your students, especially when it comes to homework!
2. Leverage Technology and Digital Platforms
One reason we built ClassCaptainwas to utilise technology in a way that works for you as a tutor, regardless of the classroom setting. With the rise of technology available and leading into education worldwide, platforms where you can manage your resources, share assignments and classroom media, as well as communicate with your students, allows you to ensure your students are using the resources shared with them effectively.
3. Regularly Review and Update
You are aware that education is constantly changing. There are new techniques, means of pedagogy as well as demands about the exams and curriculum all coming out on a regular basis. By continuously reviewing your resources and assignments, you can measure their relevance and effectiveness. This allows you to be ahead of the curve, as well as allowing you to be aware which types of resources and assignments your students best respond to.
Organising your assignments and resources is a fundamental part of allowing yourself to effectively tutor. Following these guidelines of best practice, you can create a structured learning environment for your students. By providing clarity for your students, using technology and digital platforms, and regularly reviewing your resources can benefit your organisational skills overall as a tutor and to the benefit of your students.
To get started on organising your classroom materials, try ClassCaptain today.