Don’t tell me the dog ate it — the importance of homework

The thing the dog apparently eats on a regular basis will always be a contentious issue in the world of education and tutoring. Students complain that they have to do work outside of sessions, despite the fact they work so hard within sessions, but the importance of homework cannot be overstated. The continuous practice of applying theory, testing limits, skills and abilities is based on the repetitive nature of most work. It helps grow the memory, recall information and ideas and will build a long term nature of a positive outlook towards learning, growing, improving and ultimately, achieving.

We believe that regular homework given between a tutor and a tutee will help make the tutee more responsible and accountable for their actions as they grow in their education, and allows the tutor a new dynamic of being able to monitor the growth of the tutee outside of their supervision in the sessions themselves. It is one thing to be able to do well in the session with the help of the expert tutor, quite another to know the subject and do it themselves outside of the session. This is the true measure of putting the skills/theories into practice and we would advise all tutors to give some homework, even if it is a simple sum or to rephrase a question, no effort/attempt can be too small. This will provide their tutees an environment to thrive and to put them in a mind state of continuous growth.
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