It’s a Match! Tutoring — how long should The First Session be?

Tutors and tutees often run into problems when it comes to the timing of their initial meetings. There is always pressure to accomplish a lot in any amount of time and tutoring with specific goals is no different. When it comes to the first tutoring session between a tutor and their tutee we’d recommend the following
· 10 minutes of introductions and icebreaker activities

· 40 minutes of a session with a learning objective established, theory and activities
· 10 minutes refresher of what’s been covered and a plan of action for future sessions
With the last point above, we would also include homework briefing and additional learning activities, should you deem those necessary
With the education and wellbeing of your tutees in mind, a great first impression in your first session will lay the perfect foundation for a beneficial tutor-tutee relationship.
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