Routines are key — the benefits of regular tuition

Building a relationship in a tutoring dynamic requires commitment, dedication and ambition. Consistency between the tutor and the tutee allows a steady foundation to be built upon, new routines to be developed and an overall space for tutees to feel comfortable, try new things and allow them to grow to their full potential. The benefits of there being a steady routine range of tuition allows the tutor to also plan effectively, whether it be a steady improvement of the skillset the tutee wants or through a syllabus on a subject, an idea of there being a routine in place allows all parties to thrive.

The benefits of the new inclusion of the tutoring sessions into each other’s lives means that on specific dates, whether it is once or twice a week or every fortnight etc. there is a sacrosanct period in time where focus is the order of the day and it is time for there to be learning.
- Students focus can increase
- Rapport further builds between tutor and tutee
- More easily traceable state of homework and growth

Stop/starts will occur, in any field of work, especially as life happens, but establishing a regular pattern in the short term can ensure a fruitful relationship and results, whether the tutoring dynamic is a brief stop-gap or a long term engagement.
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