Starting a tutoring career? Consider these before you start

There are a few things you have to take into consideration when you begin to pursue your tutoring career. These are common thoughts and ideas for tutors to consider that we have taken the liberty to list below for you to take note of.

Before you can begin a tutoring career, you should decide what subject or skill it is that you are going to tutor. You can decide this by looking at the qualifications you possess in a subject area, as well as any other skills you have gained over the years. The more specialty you have in a subject area, the more you may be able to charge for your expertise.

Once you know what it is you are going to tutor, you should think about what days and times you are able to work, note that you have to find time to plan sessions before as well. Are you able to get a full day during the week and dedicate it entirely to tutoring? Or are your evenings and weekends the only time you have as you may have a full time job? Lastly, if your subject is academic, are you tutoring throughout the academic year only or over the holiday periods as well? This last one is asked as there is higher demand now for tutoring over the summer period, to allow students to get a head start on the next year and their exams.

A last tip we’d recommend is to decide whether you are going to tutor in-person only, online only or a mixture of both. If you are online only, you may have to be technologically adept on a variety of platforms e.g. Zoom, Teams, Google Meet as well as know how to engage your tutee virtually. In-person avoids these technological issues, most of the time, however there is commuting time to consider as well, assuming the tutee is local. A mix of both shows adaptability but may also become a task in and of itself to keep track of how you are delivering a session, especially if you have quite a few tutees.
These are a few things to consider before starting out as a tutor and will hopefully allow you to flourish in your tutoring career.
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