STORIES — Nap times at worst times

STORIES — Nap times at worst times
#StoriesFromYourClassrooms is our way of getting the funniest, best and most memorable moments from your experiences to share with the world. If you have one to submit to us, please contact us at to be featured.

Joseph, Maths, UK: During lockdown, I was tutoring a group on Teams and one student fell asleep. How do I know? With her camera and mic off, I asked her to answer a question. No response. I sent her a direct message. No response. I carried on the lesson and told all the other students to leave the call at the end of it. She didn’t come off the call. I kept that call open, thankfully it was last session of the day, until she woke up from her ‘nap’, apologised to me and then came off the call. I sent her parents an invoice for the additional two hours I kept the call going. She was good for every session after that.