Tutors — be curious about curiosity

If you are given the task of tutoring someone for a specific grade/qualification, and are bound by some form of measurement as a means of judging your tutoring importance, it is important to note that a tutee’s engagement with the subject matter can make or break the fine details. Even without this, a tutee learning for leisure for example, it is still important to note the overall importance of a tutee in the learning process.

One way to keep tabs on this is by constantly reviewing a tutee’s curiosity in the subject. Your role then in the sessions with the tutee, will then include you staying curious about if they are curious. There are a few ways to pull this out such as keeping a note of the range of questions they’re asking; if they’re not asking much, then shape your sessions with an angle that’ll make them view the subject matter differently. Another way is how much engagement they’re doing outside of your sessions, if a tutee informs you they’ve done extra work for example, of their own volition, this is a sign they’re curious about the subject in and of itself.
Increasing curiosity about a subject is a key part of a tutor’s ‘toolkit’ and for this curiosity truly to rub off on a tutee, it mainly starts with a tutor’s own curiosity in the subject. If you yourself don’t find your subject interesting, then don’t expect your tutee to.
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