The future of tutoring — personalised education

The landscape for the profession of tutoring has changed drastically over the last two years. With the Covid-19 pandemic causing lockdowns across the globe, allowing a focus on educational disadvantages to come to the forefront of conversation. One of the many ways that people believe educational gaps can be reduced is through private tutoring being encouraged more often to give students the personalised education experience.

The promises that good tutoring can provide in the future allows a whole new generation of students to develop with a promise of personalised learning, allowing them to gain that individual support that so many students demand now. Personalised learning increases control over time, learning style and encourages self-reliance on the tutee’s part. On top of this, this is a perfect counteraction to the busy lives many parents now have. This means that due to a variety of reasons, parents and carers cannot always meet the demands of supporting their child in their studies, whereas a specially recruited tutor will be able to.
As well as being able to support people currently in education, private tutoring will be able to encourage members of the wider public a route back into regular learning and education. For example, a personalised tutoring experience for a mid-career professional who is learning an instrument or a new language, will allow them to express themselves creatively and contribute to their overall wellbeing, as well as allowing them to add another skill to their repertoire.

The element of personalised education can allow skill gaps to be addressed, students to attain grades and goals, contribute to overall well-being and allow people to become better versions of themselves. On top of this, the demand and development of the tutoring market would mean that this is an ideal time to consider tutoring, if you haven’t already.
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